Financial problems are not just figures on paper that need a clever accountant and some time to fix. They can fill you with constant worry and drain your mental reserves as you try to retain some sort of normality in day to day living.
If neglected, the risks of short term worries becoming long term health issues increases. That's why our wellbeing counsellors work hand in hand with our financial counsellors to ensure that your mental health receives as much attention as your bottom line.
We believe in cultivating strong communities. Call us selfish, but because we live in rural and regional areas ourselves, it's in our best interests to support the people that live here. We know how bad weather, pandemics, or the closure of the local sports club can impact our region as much as we understand the individual challenges that make us stressed and concerned..
Whatever challenges you are facing, getting support and putting strategies in place as soon as possible is crucial. That’s why we arrange a catch-up at the earliest opportunity. Our wait times are days, not weeks, and our first conversation is usually within 24 hours.
One thing about Australian farms, they can be a long way from town. When you're feeling down, you might not want to go out in public and meet with somebody in a strange office, so we do the driving and meet you in a place where you feel comfortable. Could be your home, the back paddock, or a walk along the river, it's your call.
Our qualified wellbeing counsellors have been carefully selected for their experience in rural and regional settings. Every one of them has helped clients through personal challenges or the stresses of natural disasters such as flood, bushfires and storm events. They know you want good, solid, practical strategies and they will help you tailor them to your specific circumstances.
RFCS VicWest is funded by Government but we are not a Govt. department or service. It means we are not compromised by private industry or whoever is in power. We are truly independent.
We are bound by client confidentiality laws, so you don’t have to worry about others finding out about your personal affairs.
If you need support from us to manage your wellbeing, you don't need to see a doctor first. As an existing financial counselling client, you are automatically eligible and we can arrange an appointment with one of our wellbeing team.
For more information see Eligibility below.
The wellbeing program was introduced as a response to a need amongst our financial counselling clients. For that reason, it is limited to those on the farm or within small business that use our financial counselling services.
Maggie Bridgewater
Ann-Marie Byrne
Catherine Poussard
Aleisha Clifford
Kerrie O'Brien